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Answer ONE of the questions 2, 3, or 4 below.1. &8226;Your company is considering appointi

Answer ONE of the questions 2, 3, or 4 below.

1. &8226;Your company is considering appointing someone as your assistant. Your boss has asked you to write a short report on whether an assistant would be useful for you.

&8226;Write the report for your manager, describing:

&8226;the advantages to you of having as assistant

&8226;what difficulties might arise if an assistant is appointed

&8226;what qualifications and experience would be desirable in an assistant

&8226;what personal qualities would be desirable in an assistant.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet.

2. &8226;The Marketing Director of the company you work for is keen to improve the way that your company markets its products, and has asked you to propose and improvement.

&8226;Write a proposal for the Director, including the following information:

&8226;reasons for the current method's lack of success

&8226;your proposal for new method

&8226;the likely benefits of the new method

&8226;any possible disadvantages of the new method.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet.

3. &8226;You work for a company producing office furniture and have received a letter from a customer complaining about the non-delivery of two desks.

&8226;Write a letter to the customer:

&8226;apologising for the non-delivery

? giving reason(s) for the delay

? offering compensation.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet.

更多“Answer ONE of the questions 2, 3, or 4 below.1. &8226;Your company is considering appointi”相关的问题


TASK TWO--BENEFIT?For questions 18--22, match the extracts with the statements, listed A--


?For questions 18--22, match the extracts with the statements, listed A--H.

?For each extract, choose the benefit stated.

?Write one letter (A--H) next to the number of the extract.

A It is easy to get any places

B It attracts more people to come

C It's a very convenient way to earn money.

D It can make customers smile

E It's a good selling way

F It's helpful to reconnect current clients and impress potential clients.

G It's more reliable

H It's low-cost



听力原文:Prince is a major racket goods sporting company. Wemaketennis,squash,badminton ra

听力原文: Prince is a major racket goods sporting company. We make tennis, squash, badminton rackets, apparel and footwear. We also sell the accessories to those products which include strings, grips and sport bags, and other accessory products as well. Prince is headquartered in Bordentown, New Jersey, which is just a little bit south of Trenton, New Jersey, and just a little bit north of Philadelphia. We also have offices in Europe, in Treviso, Italy. We have an office in Singapore which coordinates the Asian theater for us. And then we have distributors scattered throughout the world.

In 1989 we were acquired by the Benetton Sports System. Benetton Sports System is comprised of a number of different companies but an easy illustration would be to think of an umbrella and the umbrella would be the Benetton Sports System. Underneath the umbrella would be three columns: one column would be Rollerblade, which is the in-line skating company; another column would be Nordica, which is the winter sport group; and the third column would be Prince Sports Group, which is our company, which deals with the summer sporting goods. And then they are all connected across the bottom by Benetton Sports System Active that is responsible for the apparel for all three of those groups.

Well, tennis equipment has changed considerably in the last twenty years. If we go back to before 1976, really most players were playing with wooden rackets. And you notice the wood rackets' very small head sizes. Howard Head came along and not only innovated the ski industry with the first metal ski, but innovated the tennis industry with the first dimensional change in tennis rackets. And that, essentially, means he invented the oversized head. If you compare it to a wooden racket, you can see quite clearly you've got a much larger head on the oversize racket. That happened in the mid-seventies. Then the next major innovation occurred with another dimensional change in the rackets which was the wide body. Wide bodies allowed for greater stiffness in rackets therefore producing much more power.

And today the next biggest innovation is also dimensional—and that is length. Here is our new Mach 1000. The Prince Long Body racket gives you five major benefits. They are: more power, more control, more spin, more reach and more comfort. Welt, l think this is the last dimensional change in a racket that can occur. Again, just to repeat, you had the first dimensional change which was head size—larger head size; the second dimensional change was cross-section and now we're looking at the third and final eras that you can change in terms of a racket's geometry, which is length. So ! think what you'll see over the next several years is—who can make the best longer rackets.

?You will hear a presentation about an introduction of a racket goods sporting company.

?As you listen, for questions 1—12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.

?You will hear the recording twice.



Range of Products

1. Prince is a major______company.

Location of the Company

2. The company has an office in______

Organization of the Company: 3 columns

3. one column, Rollerblade, is the______

4. another column, Nordica, which is the______

5. the third column is______

Three Major Dimensional Changes

6. the first change was______

7. the second change was______

8. the third change was______

Major Benefits of the Third Change

9. more______

10. more______

more spin

11. more______

12. more______



For two candidates Cutting Departmental CostsCosts involved in running your department hav

For two candidates

Cutting Departmental Costs

Costs involved in running your department have recently risen sharply. You have been asked to consider how these costs could be reduced,

Discuss, and decide together:

&8226;what reasons there might be for the sudden increase

&8226;how staff can be encouraged to help reduce costs

For three candidates

No-Smoking Policy

Your company is considering introducing a No-Smoking policy. You have been asked to give your opinions on this policy.

Discuss, and decide together:

&8226;what are the advantages and disadvantages of having a No-Smoking policy in a company

&8226;which parts of a company's premises should be included in a No-Smoking policy

&8226;how the company could deal with any objections from staff who are smokers



This kind of goods are used by businesses to produce other goods or to provide services to




&8226;Read the article below about meetings.&8226;For each question 31-40 write one word i

&8226;Read the article below about meetings.

&8226;For each question 31-40 write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

How to make more of meetings

You should know what ends you want to achieve in a meeting before it starts and prepare for it by reading any papers circulated beforehand, and carefully thinking about (31) you want to say. This may sound rather boring, but solid preparation is the key to successful meetings. A great (32) of time and energy can be wasted through simple lack of planning.

The most important issues are not always given the most time in the general running of meetings. People are often unwilling (33) discuss important budgetary matters because they do not fully understand them, but (34) becomes an expert when it comes to discussing the colour of the new curtains, or what type of coffee to buy! The discussion of (35) trivial matters as these, therefore, should be saved until the end of the meeting.

During the meeting it is essential to stick to the agenda so (36) to avoid the common problem of repetition. At the same time you (37) to be sensitive to other people's ideas and feelings, and never lose your temper. Be prepared to accept (38) implement a suggestion that is contrary to (39) own ideas if it is an improvement on them; such honesty and flexibility are signs of good leadership and earn respect.

Finally, remember that when a decision is made it is important to act (40) it and to honour all the commitments you have made in the meeting.




Interview questions for various jobs and posts are offered in the book.



?Read the text below about computer trends. ?For each question (31-40), write one word in

?Read the text below about computer trends.

?For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.


When analysing the computer market worldwide it is useful is distinguish (31) sales of desktop computers and portable laptop models. The major manufacturers perform. very differently (32) different areas of the market; for example, A.B.I. , the worldwide brand leader in desktop computers, ranks only fourth in laptop computer sales and has captured only nineteen per cent of the European market. The Grown Corporation has succeeded in penetrating the difficult European market and now has a twenty-one per cent market share; in worldwide sales, however, Crown ranks second in laptop models (33) fourth in desktops.

Beginner's luck

A recent arrival (34) the scene, Unitec, has won a twenty-eight per cent slice of the European market and already stands at number five in the world market in (35) categories. The computer division of Marcus Industries ranks just below A. B. I. in the desktop best five and currently leads the world market in portable models; in spite of this, Marcus have captured only six per cent of the European sector.

Europe fights back

The remainder (36) the European market is shared by a number of local manufacturers who are competing well in home markets (37) who do not figure largely on the international scene. The (38) one of these European companies to challenge the U. S. and Japanese makers abroad successfully is Contact Electronics who entered the top five in the laptop field this year and managed (39) outsell both A. B.I. and Unitec. Unitec's main rival, PerryHamilton, still occupies third place in the desktop category, (40) is struggling to maintain its market share.




The production and imports of cars varied with the changes of demand for them.



听力原文:Man:The National Finance Section announced today that it is lowering the guarante

ed interest rate on savings bonds.ABS's Micheal Lee reports that the 2/3 point decline to 6%came as no surprise to investors.The Section said it is lowering the rate on savings bonds to bring it in 1ine with other market interest rates which have been falling all year.For instance,money market mutual funds are now yielding just over 5%;five-year treasury notes are trading at about 6.5%.

So the government has been paying a premium to people buying savings bonds,and it's turned out to be an expensive way to finance the public debt.

The relatively generous 7.5%rate on the bonds has made them very popular in the past few months.Since the beginning of August.sales have been about double the usual pace。And this week,the rush to buy savings bonds intensified because of reports that the Section was going to cut the rate any day,and people wanted to lock in the old rate.Savings bonds bought before tomorrow,the day the cut goes into effect,will still yield 7.5%.I'm MicheaI Lee in Washington,D.C.

?You will hear a report in brief about the lowering of the interest rates.

?As you listen,for questions 1-12,complete the notes,using up to three words or a number.

?After you have listened once,replay the recording.

The National Finance Section announced today that it is lowering the______ on savings bonds.

2.The______ point decline to 6% came as no surprise to investors.

3.The Section said it is lowering the rate on savings bonds to bring it ______ other market interest rates.

4.Money ______ are now yielding iust over 5%.

5.Five-year treasury notes are trading at about ______.

6.The government has been ______ to people buying savings bonds.

7.It's turned out to be an expensive way to finance ______.

8.The relatively generous ______ rate on the bonds has made them very popular in the past fen months.

9.Since the beginning of August,sales have ______ the usual pace.

10.This week,______ buy savings bonds intensified.

11.It is reported that the Section was going to ______ any day.

12.Savings bonds bought before tomorrow will still yield ______.



Companies should place their emphasis on decentralization and group work for philosophical

and practical reasons.


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