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听力原文:They both received "Outstanding Citizen" awards from the city authorities. They e

njoyed the recognition, but insisted what they did wasn't so remarkable.


更多“听力原文:They both received "Outstanding Citizen" awards from the city authorities. They e”相关的问题


What are the causes of the crowdedness in prisons?



听力原文: Today, many men working in the U. S. A. have a female boss. Men who come from co

untries in which the woman's place is still in the home may find it difficult to take orders from a woman. But in the U. S. A. , 44% of the work force is female, and many women are judges, doctors, company presidents, college presidents, and entrepreneurs. It is important for men to respect a person who holds a position of responsibility and authority, whether that person is male or female. To treat a woman as inferior just because she is female is not only insulting but also out of step with contemporary American culture.




Some people might want a "double tall skinny hazelnut decal latte", but Howard Schultz is

not one of them. The chairman and "chief global strategist" of the Starbucks coffee chain prefers a Sumatra roast with no milk, no sugar and poured from a French press—the kind of pure coffee, in fact, favored by those coffee snobs who sneer at Starbucks, not just for its bewildering variety of choice and flavors (55,000 different drinks, by the company's count), but for its very ubiquity—over 10,500 locations around the world, increasing at a rate of five a day, and often within sight of each other.

Starbucks knows it cannot ignore its critics. Anti-globalization protesters have occasionally trashed its coffee shops; posh neighborhoods in San Francisco and London have resisted the opening of new branches; and the company is a favorite target of internet critics, on sites like www. ihatestarbucks, com. Mr. Schultz is watchful, but relaxed: "We have to be extremely mindful and sensitive of the public's view of things... Thus far, we've done a pretty good job." Certainly, as reviled icons of American capitalism go, Starbucks is distinctly second division compared with big leaguers like, say, McDonald's.

The reason, argues Mr. Schultz, is that the company has retained a "passion" for coffee and a "sense of humanity". Starbucks buys expensive beans and pays its growers—be they in Guatemala or Ethiopia—an average of 23 % above the market price. A similar benevolence applies to company employees. Where other corporations seek to unload the burden of employee benefits, Starbucks gives all American employees working at least 20 hours a week a package that includes stock options ("Bean Stock") and comprehensive health insurance.

For Mr. Schultz, raised in a Brooklyn public-housing project, this health insurance-which now costs Starbucks more each year than coffee—is a moral obligation. At the age of seven, he came home to find his father, a lorry-driver, in a plaster cast, having slipped and broken an ankle. No insurance, no compensation and now no job.

Hence what amounts to a personal crusade? Most of America's corporate chiefs steer clear of the sensitive topic of health-care reform. Not Mr. Schultz. He makes speeches, lobbies politicians and has even hosted a commercial-free hour of television, arguing for reform. of a system that he thinks is simultaneously socially unjust and a burden on corporate America. Meanwhile the company pays its workers' premiums, even as each year they rise by double-digit percentages. The goal has always been "to build the sort of company that my father was never able to work for." By this he means a company that "remains small even as it gets big", treating its workers as individuals. Starbucks is not alone in its emphasis on "social responsibility", but the other firms Mr. Schultz cites off the top of his head—Timberland, Patagonia, Whole Foods—are much smaller than Starbucks, which has 100,000 employees and 35m customers.

Indeed, size has been an issue from the beginning. Starbucks, named after the first mate in Herman Melville's "Moby Dick", was created in 1971 in Seattle's Pike Place Market by three hippie-ish coffee enthusiasts. Mr. Schuhz, whose first "decent cup of coffee" was in 1979, joined the company only in 1982—and then left it in 1985 after the founding trio, preferring to stay small, took fright at his vision of the future. Inspired by a visit to Milan in 1983, he had envisaged a chain of coffee bars where customers would chat over their espressos and cappuccinos. Following his dream, Mr. Schultz set up a company he called "I1 Giornale", which grew to modest three coffee bars. Then, somehow scraping together $ 3.8m ("I didn't have a dime to my name"), he bought Starbucks from its founders in 1987.

Reality long ago surpassed the dream. Since Starbucks went public in 1992, its stock has soared by some 6,400%



Introduce briefly the recent development of LEDs.







What does the author mean by the question "why should anyone applaud" in the last paragrap




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听力原文:Drug use by teenagers has become a major concern—a problem that cuts across econo

mic and social strata.




Explain the sentence "Ivory towers notwithstanding, it also stings judges"(para. 6).



John Reid became home secretary because of a prison scandal. His predecessor, Charles Clar

ke, was forced to resign in May after admitting that some 1,000 foreign prisoners who ought to have been considered for deportation had been freed. This week Mr. Reid faced a prison crisis of his own, made worse by new figures showing that offenders released early from jail on electronic tags have committed more than 1,000 serious crimes.

In theory, the jails of England and Wales can accommodate just over 80,000 people. By October 6th they were just 210 short of that limit. The obvious remedies—cramming two people into cells built for one, letting more prisoners out on probation and moving convicts far from their families—have already been taken. So, last-ditch measures were put in place this week. Some 500 police cells will be used for prisoners. Foreign convicts' appeals against deportation will no longer be contested, in order to liberate their beds. Others will be paid to go home.

This is one of history's less surprising crises. By the late 1990s Home Office statisticians were not only predicting a rapid rise in prisoner numbers, but also erring on the side of pessimism. Eight years ago, when the prison population was just above 65,000, the department predicted that it would rise to 83,000 by 2005. In 2002 the statisticians' forecasts were also too pessimistic. Yet the politicians still appear to have been caught by surprise.

One reason the prisons are full is that there are more police officers—141,000, compared with 122,000 in 2000. They can now go after crimes that are hard to crack but attract long sentences, such as drug trafficking. The number of people in prison for drug offences has trebled since 1994. And, while the overall crime rate in England and Wales is improving, it may be that some criminals are worse. Cindy Barnett, a London magistrate, reckons the defendants she sees are more violent and have graver drug problems these days. That helps to explain why magistrates sent 27% of robbers straight to prison in 2004—up from just 10% in 1993.

In the past few years, the Home Office has prodded judges and magistrates to punish serious, violent offenders more heavily, while encouraging them to go easier on petty thieves. The former has certainly happened: the number of life sentences has more than doubled since the early 1990s. The latter has not. Populist politicians forgot that judges tend to have fixed ideas about the relative seriousness of offences. Force them to increase sentences for murder, and they will also hand out longer terms to armed robbers.

Finally, there is media pressure. Tabloid newspapers such as the Sun and the Daily Mail hound judges who pass, or even seek to justify, lenient sentences. This week the Sun accused one wig of "living in an ivory tower". Because most people's experience of the criminal-justice system is rare and intermittent, such coverage strongly influences the public mood. Ivory towers notwithstanding, it also stings judges. Penny Derbyshire, an academic who has been following wigs for several years, says they pore over press coverage. "And many of them have wives who read the Daily Mail," she says.

How serious is the problem of crowdedness in prisons of England and Wales? What are the solutions taken by the authority?


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