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I think that it is really not worthwhile (discuss) ______the question again and again.

I think that it is really not worthwhile (discuss) ______the question again and again.

更多“I think that it is really not worthwhile (discuss) ______the question again and again.”相关的问题


听力原文:M: I think it's starting to snow.W: Starting to snow? Look,' the grounds are al r

听力原文:M: I think it's starting to snow.

W: Starting to snow? Look,' the grounds are al ready white.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.It has just begun snowing.

B.She doesn't like snowy days.

C.It has been snowing for some time.

D.She doesn't think it's going to snow.



听力原文:W: What did you do last year?M: I was a reporter.W: I think it was interesting, r

听力原文:W: What did you do last year?

M: I was a reporter.

W: I think it was interesting, right?

M: Yes, it was interesting. But I had to work long hours. I was never at home on weekends.

How did the man feel about his work?

A.It was interesting but it kept him busy.

B.He doesn't like it because it is uninteresting.

C.He likes the work very much.



【填空题】Watch the movie clip again and fill in the...

【填空题】Watch the movie clip again and fill in the blanks. (A for Andy; R for Red) A:My wife used to say I'm a hard man to know. Like a closed book. Complained about it all the time. She was beautiful. God, I loved her. I didn't know how to show it, that's all. I killed her, Red. I didn't pull the trigger,but I drove her away. That's why she died, because of me...the way I am. R:That don't make you a 1 . Bad husband, maybe. Feel bad about it if you want, but you didn't pull the trigger. A: No, I didn't. Somebody else did. And I wound up in here. Bad luck, I guess. It floats around. It's got to land on somebody. It was my turn, that's all. I was in the path of the 2 . I just didn't expect the storm would last as long as it has. Think you'll ever get out of here? R:Me? Yeah. One day, when I got a long, white beard and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs, they'll let me out. A: I tell you where I'd go. Zihuatanejo. R: Say what? A: Zihuatanejo. It's in Mexico. A little place on the Pacific Ocean. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? They say it has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no 3 . Open up a little hotel, right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat, and fix it up new. Take my guests out, charter fishing. R:Zihuatanejo. A: In a place like that, I could use a man that knows how to get things. R: I don't think I could make it on the outside, Andy. I been in here most of my life. I'm an institutional man now. Just like Brooks was. A: You 4 yourself. R:I don't think so. In here I'm the guy who can get things for you, sure, but outside all you need is the Yellow Pages. Hell, I wouldn't know where to begin. Pacific Ocean? Shit. Scare me to death, something that big. A: Not me. I didn't shoot my wife, and I didn't shoot her lover. Whatever 5 I made, I've paid for them and then some. That hotel, that boat, I don't think that's too much to ask. R:You shouldn't be doing this to yourself. This is just shitty pipe dreams. Mexico is way down there, and you're in here, and that's the way it is. A: Yeah, right. That's the way it is. It's down there and I'm in here. I guess it comes down to a simple choice. Get busy living, or get busy dying.



听力原文:W: What did you do last year?M: I was a reporter.W: I think it was interesting, r

听力原文:W: What did you do last year?

M: I was a reporter.

W: I think it was interesting, right?

M: Yes, it was interesting. But I had to work long hours. I was never at home on weekends.

How did the man feel about his work?

A.He doesn't like it because it kept him busy.

B.He doesn't like it because it is uninteresting.

C.He likes the work very much.



SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:R: Are we going out tonight, then?

M: Good idea! What shall we do?

R: Let's go to the pictures.

M: Yes, that would be nice.

R: So what's on at the moment?

M: I've been to the one at Walton Street. I went last week and they're got The Lord of the Rings and Matrix. I think The Lord of the Rings is on at 8 o'clock and Matrix quarter to 8. I think it is.

R: Well, I've seen The Lord of the Rings twice. Do you know the Odeon?

M: On the Cowley street? Oh, sure. It's really cheap to get in, isn't it?

R: Yeah, 50p only. And they are showing Titanic.

M: Uh, I've seen it.

R: What a pity! But we could have a choice of performances, either 7 o'clock or 9.

M: I really don't want to go and see that again. I've seen it on TV as well.

R: So, what about the Palace? Don't you know it? It's in George Street, and they've got Pearl Harbor on there.

M: Pearl Harbor? What's that?

R: It is about the Japanese attack at America during World War Ⅱ. Supposed to be really great, and it starts at 8:30.

M: It's bloody though, isn't it?

R: Well, not very, but romantic. What do you think? And we could meet, you see, in the pub opposite, well, more or less opposite.

M: Shall we meet earlier at the pub, say half past 7? We can have a drink then.

R: So be it.

Matrix is on at

A.the Palace.

B.Walton Street.

C.the Odeon.

D.George Street.



听力原文:M: Oh, Emma. I do wish you wouldn't wear such awful clothes.W: But. Daddy. They'r

听力原文:M: Oh, Emma. I do wish you wouldn't wear such awful clothes.

W: But. Daddy. They're really fashionable at the moment.

Q: What does the man think of the clothes?


A.They are fashionable at the moment.

B.They are very ugly.

C.They are too old to wear,

D.They are very comfortable.




A.弟弟[ti] [ti]→[ti dɪ];广州话“今日”[kam] [jat]→[kam mat];英语latter['lætə]→['læɾə]

B.面包[miɛn][pau]→[miɛm pau]; 豆腐[tou][fu]→[touf];法语militɑire[militε:r]→[melitε:r]

C.我们[wo][mәn ]→[wom];妈妈[mᴀ][mᴀ]→[mᴀ mә];莆田话“红旗”[aŋ][ki]→[aŋ ŋi]

D.[thian piɛn]→[thiam piɛn];福州话“侬爸”[noŋ][pa]→[noŋ ma];英语think[θink]→[θiŋk]




A.弟弟[ti] [ti]→[ti dɪ];广州话“今日”[kam] [jat]→[kam mat];英语latter['lætə]→['læɾə]

B.我们[wo][mәn ]→[wom];妈妈[mᴀ][mᴀ]→[mᴀ mә];莆田话“红旗”[aŋ][ki]→[aŋ ŋi]

C.面包[miɛn][pau]→[miɛm pau]; 豆腐[tou][fu]→[touf];法语militɑire[militε:r]→[melitε:r]

D.天边[thian piɛn]→[thiam piɛn];福州话“侬爸”[noŋ][pa]→[noŋ ma];英语think[θink]→[θiŋk]



听力原文:M: Did you watch the midnight film last night?W: Yes, I watched part of it.M: I r

听力原文:M: Did you watch the midnight film last night?

W: Yes, I watched part of it.

M: I really enjoyed it. It was really thrilling.

W: Thrilling? I must admit I fell asleep during the film.

What did the woman think of the film?

A.It was exciting.

B.It was frightening.

C.It was enjoyable.

D.It was boring.



SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:British man: What is there about this English language of , ours that makes it possible for the two of us --having grown up,perhaps,4,000 miles apart--to be able to communicat4 so easily?

American man: Well, we might begin by recognizing that language consists of sounds, words, inflections, and the arrangement of words into phrases and sentences.

B: Let's begin with one of these: the inflectional forms--for example, the noun plurals and verb tenses. Surely, in the, aspect, British and American English have not diverged very much, have they?

A: No, not at all. Thousands of nouns form. their plurals in the regular fashion in the manner of “cat ..... cats”; "dog"--" dogs .... church"--" churches". And this is the same on both sides of the Atlantic. Would you say the same thing for the verbs? B: Yes, I think I would. Here again the regular forms are so overwhelming in number, aren't they? For most of the verbs, our two forms of language are pretty well identical.

A. Well, that depends on what you mean by identity. I can think, for example, of instances where our spellings are alike but the pronunciation is different. For example, the past of the verb "eat."

B. Yes, the past tense is spelled in both forms of English "a--t--e". But I pronounce this as [ et ] to rhyme with “get” as do most of us in Britain, and I think that we would tend to regard the American pronunciation as a relatively uneducated one. Isn't it true that most educated people in the U.S. would rhyme "ate" with" late" regard the British pronunciation as a bit odd?

A: More than a bit odd. I would say. Actually to us, [ ct ] seems countrified, even uneducated. We could supply other examples here, but I think we should go on to the order of words in phrases and sentences. After all, it is through word order, rather than inflectional forms, that so much of our grammatical meaning is conveyed.

B: Yes, and I suppose this is one of the reasoas why we have so little difficulty in understanding each other. It's hard to think of any place that you and I would have arranged the principal sentence elements in a different way.

A: You are right, of course. For example, the entire English -speaking world puts the subject before the verb and the object after it in making a sentence.

B: None of these grammatical differences add up to very much, do they? Let's talk briefly now about pronunciation. Take the difference that is probably best known: the sounding or not sounding of [r] after vowels in words like "bird" and "hurt". It's not just a matter of saying that Americans sound the [r] s and the Britishers don't. After all, as you know, in Scotland, Lancashire, Ireland, and the whole of the western counties of England really, the [r] s are pronounced more or less as they are with you.

A: Yes, and in the States, on the other hand, you will find a rather large area in New England, almost all of the area', a- round New York City, and various parts of the coastal south, where the Americans don't sound the [r] s. And it's equally difficult to generalize about the differences in pronunciation of words like dance", which I pronounce with the vowel in cap-[L] and you pronounce with the vowel in "father'; [a: ]. In the United States we vary a good deal; for example, eastern New England has the [a] type of pronunciation.

B: As you know, we don't have [ ct: ] at all widely either. It occurs among educated speakers and in the South and in London, but in the northern counties of England people have a pronunciation similar to yours. So I think we should insist on people not exaggerating the differences b

A.Regular noun plural forms

B.Irregular noun plural forms

C.Verb tenses

D.None of the above items



SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:British man: What is there about this English language of ours that makes it possible for the two of us --having grown up,perhaps,4,000 miles apart--to be able to communicate so easily?

American man: Well, we might begin by recognizing that language consists of sounds, words, inflections, and the arrangement of words into phrases and sentences.

B: Let’s begin with one of these: the inflectional forms--for example, the noun plurals and verb tenses. Surely, in this aspect, British and American English have not diverged very much, have they?

A: No, not at all. Thousands of nouns form. their plurals in the regular fashion in the manner of "cat"-- "cats"; ”dog"--" dogs” "church"--"churches". And this is the same on both sides of the Atlantic. Would you say the same thing for the verbs?

B: Yes, I think I would. Here again the regular forms are so overwhelming in number, aren't they? For most of the verbs, our two forms of language are pretty well identical.

A: Well, that depends on what you mean by identity. I can think, for example, of instances where our spellings are alike but the pronunciation is different. For example, the past of the verb "eat."

B. Yes, the past tense is spelled in both forms of English "a--t--e". But I pronounce this as [εt] to rhyme with “get” as do most of us in Britain, and I think that we would tend to regard the American pronunciation as a relatively uneducated one. Isn’t it true that most educated people in the U. S. would rhyme "ate" with" late" regard the British pronunciation as a bit odd?

A: More than a bit odd. I would say. Actually to us, [εt] seems countrified, even uneducated. We could supply other examples here, but I think we should go on to the order of words in phrases and sentences. After all, it is through word order, rather than inflectional forms, that so much of our grammatical meaning is conveyed.

B: Yes, and I suppose this is one of the reasons why we have so little difficulty in understanding each other. It's hard to think of any place that you and I would have arranged the principal sentence elements in a different way.

A: You are right, of course. For example, the entire English speaking world puts the subject before the verb and the object after it in making a sentence.

B: None of these grammatical differences add up to very much, do they? Let's talk briefly now about pronunciation. Take the difference that is probably best known: the sounding or not sounding of [[r] after vowels in words like "bird" and "hurt". It’s not just a matter of saying that Americans sound the [r]s and the Britishers don’t. After all, as you know, in Scotland, Lancashire, Ireland, and the whole of the western counties of England really, the [r]s are pronounced more or less as they are with you.

A: Yes, and in the States, on the other hand, you will find a rather large area in New England, almost all of the area around New York City, and various parts of the coastal south, where the Americans don’t sound the [r]s. And it’s equally difficult to generalize about the differences in pronunciation of words like "dance", which I pronounce with the vowel in cap [∧] and you pronounce with the vowel in "father";[ a: ]. In the United States we vary a good deal; for example, eastern New England has the [a] type of pronunciation.

B: As you know, we don’t have [a:] at all widely either. It occurs among educated speakers and in the South and in London, but in the northern counties of England people have a pronunciation similar to yours. So I think we should insist on people not exaggerating the differences between British and America

A.Regular noun plural forms

B.Irregular noun plural forms

C.Verb tenses

D.None of the above items


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