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When the mother opened the door, what did she find?She found that the hall way was ______.

When the mother opened the door, what did she find?

She found that the hall way was ______.

更多“When the mother opened the door, what did she find?She found that the hall way was ______.”相关的问题


听力原文: Today we begin a new topic in our course on the survival of young animals, and I
'd like to start with an explanation of a common misconception. Many people have heard that crocodiles eat their babies. Well, in fact they don't. What happens is that the mother crocodiles take all their newly hatched youngsters into their mouths in order to carry them to the safety of the water. The reason is that the female crocodile must leave the water in order to hatch her eggs. She goes to the beach and digs a hole approximately 10 inches deep. She then lays her eggs in the hole and covers them with soil, using her body and tail to pat down the earth. While she guards her nest during the day and night for about 12 weeks, the sun heats the soil and hardens it. Then, when the baby crocodiles hatch, they find it almost impossible to get out, and they begin yelping and croaking. The mother hears them and rips open the nest. Then she takes the young into a pouch of skin in her lower jaw, and carries them to the safety of the ocean water before she releases them.

What the speaker says is the common misconception about crocodile mothers?

A.That they leave the water.

B.That they dig a hole in the sand.

C.That they open their nests.

D.That they eat their babies.



第二节 短文理解1阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正

第二节 短文理解1

阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。

I was addressing and stamping envelops (信封) when I found there were no stamps left. "I have some in here," my daughter said as she reached for her Bible (圣经).

"It just shows that if you need help, turn to the Bible." I said.

"I also keep my household money (家用钱) in here," she replied. "It's a good place to hide things. The ones who do open the Bible wouldn't steal from it, and the ones who would steal never open it."

The mother had enough stamps.



C.Doesn't say.



It was Jimmy's fifth birthday, He got many presents from his family, and one of them was a
beautiful big drum (鼓).

"Who gave him that thing?" Jimmy's father asked when he saw it.

"His grandfather did," answered Jimmy's mother.

Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it, but his mother did not mind. His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he did not hear the noise.

But one of the neighbors did not like the noise, so one morning, she took a sharp(锋利) knife and went to Jimmy's house while he was playing his dram. She said to him, "Hello, Jimmy. Do you know there's something very nice inside your drum? Here is a knife. Open the drum and let's find it."

How old was Jimmy?

A.Even years old.

B.Six years old.

C.Five years old.



完形填空I will never forget the year I was about twelve years old. My mother told us that


I will never forget the year I was about twelve years old. My mother told us that we would not be【16】Christmas gifts because there was not enough money. I felt sad and thought, "What would I say when the other kids asked what I' d【17】?" Just when I started to【18】that there would not be a Christmas that year, three women【19】at our house with gifts for all of us. For me they brought a doll. I felt such a sense of【20】that I would no longer have to be embarrassed when I returned to school. I wasn't【21】. Somebody had thought【22】of me to bring me a gift.

Years later, when I stood in the kitchen of my new house, thinking how I wanted to make my【23】Christmas there special and memorable, I【24】remembered the women's visit. I decided that I wanted to create that same feeling of【25】for as many children as I could possibly reach.

So I【26】 a plan and gathered forty people from my company to help. We gathered about 125 orphans (孤儿) at the Christmas party. For every child, we wrapped colorful packages filled with

toys, clothes, and school supplies,【27】with a child' s name. We wanted all of them to know they were【28】Before I called out their names and handed them their gifts, I【29】them that they couldn't open their presents【30】every child had come forward. Finally the【31】they had been waiting for came as I called out, "One, two, three. Open your presents!" As the children opened their packages, their faces beamed and their bright smiles【32】up the room. The【33】 in the room was obvious, and【34】wasn' t just about toys. It was a feeling, and the feeling I knew【35】that Christmas so long ago when the women came to visit. I wasn't forgotten. Somebody thought of me. I matter.








It was a very happy family. They were fairly well-off. The father, Leopold, was a master o
f music in Austria. His mother was warm-hearted. There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old. Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practiced. How patient their father was, and how cleverly he showed Marianne how to play some particularly difficult pieces! She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when looking over Marianne's shoulder. At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father's knees and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered. What a joke that was! Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said, "Look at your hands. You must wait, little man!"

There was no end to the fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece. When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes. Suddenly Leopold got up. "Listen!" said he in a surprised voice. "Listen! Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!"

But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.

His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other. He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness. "I love it" whispered the child.

It was the beginning of Mozart's life of music.

Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practiced the piano because______.

A.he loved music

B.he liked his sister

C.he didn't want to make a noise

D.he didn't feel well



8 Ways to Cope with Your Mum Like most big projects, learning to manage your mother is bes

8 Ways to Cope with Your Mum

Like most big projects, learning to manage your mother is best tacked in smaller stages. Here are what I believe the eight best steps towards a better relationship with her. They are not necessarily surprising or revolutionary, but they have worked for many people. Try them.

Remember Your Mother's Age

As children, we often do not think of our mother as having an age. Even when we become conscious of her as an individual, age does not alter our view; she is still, primarily, our mother. Becoming aware of our mother's age, not just in number of years but in terms of her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.

Even if our mother is relatively young--perhaps only in their thirties--she grew up a generation earlier than we. She has probably lived her formative years (性格形成期) in a social environment in which attitudes towards matters such as divorce, abortion, higher education, unemployment and working mothers were different from those we have experienced. Her values may seem dated, but all the influences she had from her parents and peers have had an impact on the way she evolved as a person. It is unreasonable to expect her to change totally from the way she was brought up.

Listen to Your Mother

As we grow up, what our mother has told us often sounds not sophisticated enough for theworld we live in today. Yet I have found that sometimes the things my mother told me long ago are remarkably useful. So if your mother is still offering maxims (哲理) for your life, try to resist the temptation to reject them automatically.

Of course, she will sometimes tell you things with which you disagree, but if you can listen with an open mind you will encourage her to open up to you more fully. If your mother knows that you respect her point of view, even if you do not share it, it will help her feel close to you.

Remember That Your Mother Has a Past

A key step in managing our relationship with our mother is to find out about her early life.

Sometimes, in learning about our mother's past, we can construct her story by piecing together what we learn about her upbringing (成长)and her memories, and then, into this vision, placing our own observations of her. This encourages us to think about her life as her experience rather than as a mere recounting of events.

Ask Your Mother Simply and Directly How You Can Make Her Life Better

When I was 15 my mother was dying of cancer. I was aware that she was ill, but not know how seriously. That year I was determined to give her the best possible time for her birthday. I bought her a beautiful red dress and announced that I was going to take her out on the town, drive her up and down to see the sights and then to go see a film. But the driving made her feel sick, and finally she said, "Honey, I don't think I want to go to the movies after all. But I've had just the best time coming out with you." It was her last birthday. She died the following year.

This memory is painful for me, because in trying to Do the right thing, I got wrong: I did not ask her what she wanted, but just did what I thought was best. I was young, but even when were adults many of us remain trapped in childlike (and self-centered) conception of what our mother wants.

Ask Your Mother About Your Childhood History

Understanding your roots can help you know more clearly who you are, as part of a family which you share with your mother.

My husband and I made a "roots" journey to Arizona so that he could meet my 96-year-old Aunt Flossie before she died. Talking to her, we puzzled over why six children in the family had produced only two grandchildren--a question I had never before thought to ask. She said, "Oh, that's easy--my father (who was bo






Passage One It was a very happy family. They were fairly well-off. The father, Leopold,

Passage One

It was a very happy family. They were fairly well-off. The father, Leopold, was a master of music in Austria. His mother was warm-hearted. There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old. Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practiced. How patient their father was, and how cleverly he showed Marianne how to play some particularly difficult pieces! She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when looking over Marianne's shoulder. At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father's knees and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered. What a joke that was! Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said, "Look at your hands. You must wait, little man!"

There was no end to the fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece. When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes. Suddenly Leopold got up. "Listen!" said he in a surprised voice. "Listen! Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!"

But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.

His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other. He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness. "I love it" whispered the child.

It was the beginning of Mozart's life of music.

36. Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practiced the piano because______.

A. he loved music

B. he liked his sister

C. he didn't want to make a noise

D. he didn't feel well



It was a very happy family. The life was fairly well-off. Father, Leopold, was a music mas
ter in Austria. Mother was warm-hearted. There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old. Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practised. How patient her father was, and how cleverly he showed Maricanne how to play some particularly difficult pieces! She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when Marianne’s shoulder, saying she had done well. At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father’s knee and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered. What a joke that was! Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said, "Look at your hands. You must wait, little man!"

There was no end of fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece. When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes. Suddenly Leopold got up. "Listen!" said he in a surprised voice. "Listen!" "Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!"

But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.

His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other. He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness. "I love it." whispered the child.

It was the beginning of Mozart’s life of music.

Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practised the piano because ______.

A.he loved music

B.he liked his sister

C.he didn't want to make a noise

D.he didn't feel well



It was a very happy family. The life was fairly well-off. Father, Leopold, was a music mas
ter in Austria. Mother was warm-hearted. There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old. Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practised. How patient her father was, and how cleverly he showed Maricanne how to play some particularly difficult pieces! She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when Marianne's shoulder, saying she had done well. At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father's knee and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered. What a joke that was! Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said," Look at your hands. You must wait, little man !"

There was no end of fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece. When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes. Suddenly Leopold got up. "Listen!" said he in a surprised voice. "Listen!" "Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!"

But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.

His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other. He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness. "I love it." whispered the child.

It was the beginning of Mozart's life of music.

Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practised the piano because ______.

A.he loved music

B.he liked his sister

C.he didn't want to make a noise

D.he didn't feel well



How to Start a Small Business in the USPeople from other countries often take America as t

How to Start a Small Business in the US

People from other countries often take America as the "land of opportunity". Americans, too, believe that the country gives no end of chances to those who want to open their own businesses. Today, many Americans are still trying hard to become small business people, although only one out of two remains in operation after the first two years.

Many people start their small businesses for the wrong reasons. They want to get away from the paper work of their present jobs, or to exchange the responsibility of their present jobs for free life styles. But more, not less, paper work and responsibility come with ownership of a small business.

Thomas is the owner of the news magazine Mother Earth, which is now quite successful. He says that he had to work sixty hours without stopping when he was trying to bring out the first issue.

Thomas had waited for years after he came up with the idea for Mother Earth. During that time, he collected as much information as he could about his business. He borrowed books from the library, talked to successful people in the field, and began planning carefully the amount of money and the kinds and numbers of supplies he would need. When he finally opened with a capital of $ 1,500 ,he set up his office in the kitchen and his printing press in the garage. Owing to his devotion(投入)to business, his talent, and his skill in management, Mother Earth now has a circulation(发行量) of 300,000.

Not all small businesses are doing as fine as Mother Earth as 50% of the 450,000 that start in America every year fail. Still, 95% of businesses in the US can be called "small". Altogether these businesses amount to 40% of America's gross national product(国民生产总值).

According to the passage, which of the following is true of the small businesses in the U.S.?

A.All of them close down in the first two years.

B.Most of them fail within the first two years.

C.They all make big profits.

D.Only half of them continue to operate after the first two years.



The Koala's Life CycleThe breeding season for koalas runs roughly from September to March.

The Koala's Life Cycle

The breeding season for koalas runs roughly from September to March. This is a time of increased activity, and sound levels increase as males bellow more frequently. This is also when the young from the previous year are dispersing from their mothers. Where koalas live near suburban settlements and major roads, this period heralds the busiest time for koala carets, as koalas on the move cross paths with cars and dogs, and accompanying stress levels mean a higher incidence of sickness.

Females generally start breeding at about three or four years of age and usually produce only one offspring each year. However, not all females in a wild population will breed each year. Some produce offspring only every two or three years, depending on factors such as the age of the female and the quality of the habitat. In the average female's life span of about twelve years, this means that one female may produce only 5 or 6 offspring over her lifetime.

Once a female has conceived it is a short 35 days before the birth of the new baby, called a "joey". The tiny baby which is roughly 2 centimetres long and weighs less than 1 gram, looks rather like a pink jellybean ms it is totally hairless, blind and has no ears.

The joey makes its way from the birth canal to the pouch completely unaided, relying on its already well-developed senses of smell and touch, strong forelimbs and claws and an innate sense of direction. Once inside the safety of the pouch, it attaches itself to one of the two teats, which swells to fill its mouth. This prevents the joey from being dislodged from its source of food The mother contracts her strong sphincter muscle at the pouch opening to prevent the baby from tailing out.

The young koala drinks only mother's milk for the first six to seven months and remains in the pouch for that time, slowly growing and developing eyes, ears, fur etc. At about 22 weeks, its eyes open and it begins to peep out of the pouch. From about 22 to 30 weeks, it begins to feed upon a substance called "pap" which the mother produces in addition to milk. Pap is a specialised form. of faeces, or droppings, which forms an important part of the young koala's diet, 'allowing it to make the transition from milk to eucalyptus leaves, rather like a human baby is fed "mushy" food when it starts to eat solids. Pap is .soft and runny and thought to come from the eaecum. It allows the mother to pass on micro-organisms present in her own digestive system which are essential to the digestion of eucalyptus leaves, and is a rich source of protein.

The joey Leans out of the pouch opening on the centre of the mother's abdomen to feed on the pap, stretching it open towards the source of the pap, and therefore "downwards" or "backwards". This is why koalas are sometimes said to have a "backward-opening" pouch, although this is not strictly true.

The baby feeds regularly on the pap and as it grows it emerges totally from the pouch and lies on its mother's belly to feed. Eventually it begins to feed upon fresh leaves as it rides on its mother's back. The young koala continues to take milk from its mother until it is about a year old, but as it can no longer fit in the pouch, the mother's teat elongates to protrude from the pouch opening. Young koalas remain with their mothers until the appearance outside the pouch of the next season's joey. Then it is time for the previous year's joey to disperse and find its own home range. If a female does not reproduce each year, the joey stays with her longer and has a greater chance of survival when it does leave its mother.

Females generally live longer than males as the males are more often injured during fights, they tend to travel longer distances with the resulting increase in risks such as cars and dogs, and they more often occupy poorer habitats. Putting a life s





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