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【填空题】Reading A 练习题 Task 1 Complete the words...

【填空题】Reading A 练习题 Task 1 Complete the words that match the meanings on the right. The first letters are already given.)(答案填写完整单词) 1. s_____ to find out where a product or basic material can be obtaine. 2. e_______ a person given the responsibility to manage the affairs of an organization and the right to make important decisions 3. b_____ a type of product made by a particular company, that has a particular name or design 4. m_______ goods that are being sold 5. r ____ the sale of goods in shops to customers for their own use. 6. h_________ the main building or offices used by a large company or organization 7. p_________ a relationship between two people, organizations or countries working together in one or more projects 8. s____ to provide people with something that they need or want

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【填空题】Task 1 Fill in the blanks with the right w...

【填空题】Task 1 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. start with pay attention countdown although as far ahead as possible prefer pay off incentive whereas related to 1. Gorge kept his coat on, _______ it was warm in the room. 2. When you set the date, please inform us _________________________. 3. Radar employs radio waves ________ sonar uses sound waves. 4. Which one do you _____, a glass of sherry or a cocktail? 5. We should __________ to the issue of environmental protection. 6. The _______________ was well under way. 7. Let’s ________ our party _________ a light music. 8. Your efforts will ___________ in the long run. 9. The management is taking ___________ measures to increase the company’s productivity. 10. There are many job opportunities ____________ my major.



【填空题】Complete the following short sentences by ...

【填空题】Complete the following short sentences by filling the blanks with the words or phrases given in the bracket chart, neglect, Alerting, range, distress initiates, uncertainty, ramps, activated, notify, negative 1. In controlled airspace, ________ service should be provided when the position of the aircraft is in doubt. 2. At _______ phase, the actual search mission is launched. 3. Upon issuing an ALNOT, first, the controller should plot the flight of the aircraft involved on a _________. It is crucial to determine the possible future position of the aircraft and its maximum ________ of action from the last known position. 4. At alert phase, the destination airport checks all ________ and hangers to locate the aircraft. 5. At alert phase, finally the ATS unit which________the alerting notice should announce the termination of the state of emergency. 6. Because of the high rate of false alarms, _________ phase is designed to determine if an aircraft is really missing or if a crew _________ to close their flight plan. If the PRECOM comes up________, then the next phase is ________. 7. In general, the ATS units shall __________ units providing alerting service in other affected FIRs or control areas of the emergency phase.



【填空题】Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the right w...

【填空题】Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. be tied up on reflect vary familiarize possess have the makings of refer to quality reliable correspondence 1. Wedding customs ________________from country to country. 2. Mr. Build __________________ another phone with a client at the moment. 3. Your attire(服装) should _______________ both your environment and your position. 4. The _______________of the service here has improved a lot since he was promoted manager. 5. The police asked if I _______________a gun. 6. She has three years experience of office work, so she _______________becoming an office professional. 7. The library bought all the ____________between the President and his wife. 8. I wonder whether you will _____________ us with your technical know-how. 9. The manager thought he was a_____________________ person and told him all about the new plan. 10. The proposal will have to _________________________the Finance Committee.



【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 1: Wh...

【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 1: What is Autism?AV 1.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete each statement according to the information from the video clip. Autism (1)___________________Disorder, or ASD, affects how people communicate with and relate to others. This isn’t the same as being shy or not knowing what to say. Most people with autism don’t understand some of the basic social(2) ________________________ that others take for granted. They might have trouble making eye (3)________________________, holding a conversation, or recognizing(4)________________________. And over one-third of people with ASD are(5)_______________________________, meaning they don’t use speech. Along with communication issues, people with autism often like to follow certain patterns or(6)______________________. Many have a (7)________________to bright light or loud noises, and others have physical problems, like trouble walking or picking up small objects. Some have intellectual disabilities, but about half have (8) _______________________or above average IQs. It’s also common for people with autism to have a great long-term memory for certain details, and many (9)_______________in math, science, music, or art. With such a wide variety of(10) ______________________, no two people with ASD are alike. The behaviors vary so much that they used to be classified as different disorders.



【填空题】Proofreading & Error Correction Each i...

【填空题】Proofreading & Error Correction Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error. In each case, only one word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. For the missing word, mark the position of the missing word a “^” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line. For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line. Humankind’s future safety and longevity of life on Earth largely depend on the environment which we live. Keeping the air we 1 breathe free of pollution is a major priority towards making this earth a safe place. Other areas of concern are water, land, the ozone layer, and the preservation of flora and fauna of the planet. Every country has ecological issues to deal. In South America, 2 the rain forests are rapidly disappearing as people burn and cut down trees to make for farmland. Many Middle-Eastern and Asian countries 3 have a battle to fight with air, water, and land pollution. Lakes and swamps are spread with debris. 4 Mass chemical spraying is used to kill pests on trees and plants. Abundant 5 use of water in countries as China has caused major water shortage. 6 Rivers become polluted by factories and the populations that live on their banks. Global warming is considered a major factor caused the droughts 7 in eastern China, the Sudan, Ethiopia, and northern Kenya. The reduction of the ozone layer is blamed for the global warming trends in variant countries of this globe, 8 and the spread of disease like skin cancer. Societies at large need to pay attention to the existing problems in order to get of the imminent danger of famine, 9 drought and diseases that rise from the damage that pollution causes. 10



【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 14: D...

【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 14: Daily MultivitaminAV 14 Daily Vitamins No Good.avi Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word or information from the video clip. Some 40% of Americans take a (1) ________ pill. It’s a multi-million-dollar-a-year business. And a study of today offers strong evidence that a pill can reduce (2) ________ cancer risk at least for middle-age and older man. Researchers give almost 14,000 male physicians 50 and older either a multivitamin or placebo. After 11 years, those taking the daily vitamin had (3) ________ less cancer of several kinds. “This is the only study of multivitamin testing whether a (4) ________ multivitamin taken with a long haul can prevent (5) ________ diseases,” said Dr. J. Michael Gaziano from Brigham and Women’s hospital. We all heard that not smoking, exercising, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and (6) ________ our weight can cut our cancer risk. There is a lot of scientific evidence to back that up. But it turns out the main reason so many doctors recommend multivitamins is to ensure their patients get (7) ________ nutrition. “What’s not been well studied and what happened to be a reason that some people take these multivitamins is because they feel they might be (8) ________ kind of diseases like cancer and heart disease.” Dr. J. Michael Gaziano said. In fact, a lot of studies have found that high doses of (9) ________ vitamins do not reduce cancer risk. But this latest research shows that multivitamin with recommended daily doses can (10) ________ help protect against the cancer.



【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 8: He...

【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 8: Heart Disease and StatinsAV 8 Heart Disease and Statins.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete each statement in no more than 6 words according to the information from the video clip. 1. Statin drugs are widely used to ____________________________________. 2. According to Dr. Paul Ridker, about half of all heart attacks and strokes occur to people with _____________________________. 3. The study set off _________________________ among physicians about what these results mean for their patients. 4. Most experts agree doctors should test the _______________________________ or CRP of people who have at least one risk factor for heart disease, such as cholesterol elevation, diabetes or high blood pressure. 5. Experts still do not know _________________________ maybe over decades of giving a powerful drug to people who have normal or even low cholesterol.



【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 4: [...

【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 4:AV 4.mp4 Watch the second part of the video clip and fill in each blank with the number mentioned in the video. When food is ingested, it travels along the (1) _____________where it is broken down into its (2) ___________________in order to be absorbed into the bloodstream. One such nutrient is (3) _______________, a simple sugar. Glucose gets absorbed by the stomach and (4) ________________and then enters the bloodstream. It travels through the (5) _____________ to all body cells. Once absorbed into the bloodstream, glucose circulates, causing the blood sugar level to rise. An increased level of blood sugar sends a signal to the (6) _________________ which respond by secreting the hormone insulin into the circulation. Insulin is necessary for glucose to reach and be used by several important (7) _______________tissues throughout the body. These include the liver muscle and (8) _____________ . Insulin is necessary to keep blood glucose levels stable in the body. Glucose enters the cell through a process called facilitated diffusion.



【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 11: H...

【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 11: How to Perform CPR?AV 11 How to Perform CPR(心肺复苏) video.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and fill the blank with the information from the video clip. CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It’s a life saving medical procedure that is given to someone who is in cardiac arrest. It helps to pump blood around the person’s body when their heart can’t. a) Ways to do CPR mentioned in the video clip: 1. ______________________; 2. Conventional CPR which combines _____________________________. b) Steps to do CPR: 1. ________________________________. 2. ________________________________. 3. ________________________________. 4. ________________________________. 5. ________________________________. 6. ________________________________. 7. ________________________________.



【填空题】Task Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 9 Depr...

【填空题】Task Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 9 DepressionAV 9 Depression.mp4 Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the exact words you have heard. 1. Depression is a (1) that is characterized by symptoms such as (2) , decreased interest in activities that once gave pleasure, the inability to (3) , and having (4) of death or suicide. 2. Neurons are the main cells in the brain that allow you to see, move, remember, learn and essentially are responsible for (5) in the brain and (6) in the brain. 3. The Prefrontal Cortex is the part of the brain responsible for (7) . 4. Another part of the brain, called the Amygdala, becomes overactive and (8) . 5.The important message to convey is that depression is a (9) .


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