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A random sample of shoppers responded to the questions contained in a marketing survey. Si

x months later, another random sample of shoppers responded to exactly the same questions, except that the questions were now arranged in a different order. The pattern of responses to many individual questions was greatly different, thus demonstrating that a question will sometimes elicit different responses depending only on what question precedes it. The argument above depends on which of the following assumptions?

A.The reordering of the questions did not put each question in a different sequential position from its position six months previously.

B.Shoppers who respond to a marketing survey do not generally remember six months later what responses they gave.

C.There was no motive for the second survey except that of discovering whether the ordering of the questions mattered.

D.The survey was not composed of questions to which shoppers would give different responses at different times of the year.

E.The first sample of shoppers did not have any individuals in common with the survey sample of six months later.

更多“A random sample of shoppers responded to the questions contained in a marketing survey. Si”相关的问题


Although the ratio of physicians to total population is about the same in the United State

s and Canada, the United States has 33 percent more surgeons per capita. Clearly, this is the reason people in the United States undergo 40 percent more operations per capita than do Canadians. The explanation given above rests on an assumption that

A.patients in the United States do not have a greater need for surgery than do patients in Canada.

B.the population of the United States is not larger than that of Canada.

C.United States patients sometimes travel to Canada for certain kinds of surgery.

D.general practitioners in the United States do not as a rule examine a patient who is a candidate for surgery before sending the patient to a surgeon.

E.there are no unnecessary surgical operations performed in Canada.



Counselor: Every year a popular newsmagazine publishes a list of United States colleges, r

anking them according to an overall numerical score that is a composite of ratings according to several criteria. However, the overall scores generally should not be used by students as the basis for deciding to which colleges to apply. Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the counselor s recommendation?

A.The vast majority of people who purchase the magazine in which the list appears are not college-bound students.

B.Colleges that are ranked highest in the magazine"s list use this fact in advertisements aimed at attracting students.

C.The rankings seldom change from one year to the next.

D.The significance that particular criteria have for any two students is likely to differ according to the students" differing needs.

E.Some college students who are pleased with their schools considered the magazine"s rankings before deciding which college to attend.



Government bans on the dumping of sludge anywhere in the ocean are based on the belief tha

t the spread of sludge by ocean currents poses a danger to people. Since it is not clear that sludge dumped on the ocean bottom, far from coasts, would endanger people, the bans should be revised to apply only to coastal waters. Each of the following, if true, supports the conclusion that the bans on ocean dumping should be revised EXCEPT:

A.The slow-moving water near the ocean bottom mixes so slowly with water closer to the surface that sludge dumped on the ocean bottom would be decomposed by bacteria before currents could bring it to the surface.

B.Many locations on the ocean bottom far from coasts are geologically stable, and unlikely to be disrupted by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

C.Deep-sea marine plants and animals in the human food chain live at depths far above the ocean bottom.

D.Dumping large amounts of sludge would have an unknown effect on organisms that live on the ocean bottom.

E.The technology exists to lower sewage sludge to ocean-bottom dump sites without contaminating waters closer to the surface.



The Wheat Farmers Alliance, a political action committee, attracts 70 percent of its contr

ibutors from an advertisement requesting contributions placed only in the September, October, and November issues of the Grange Report, a monthly newsletter for wheat farmers. The president of the Wheat Farmers Alliance, to increase the number of contributors, decides to advertise in each of the monthly issues of the Grange Report. She expects that, as a result of the additional Grange Report advertisements, the number of contributors will be increased to at least double the present number. Which of the following, if true, would most strongly support the president s expectation?

A.The September, October, and November advertisements were noticed by fewer than one-third of those readers of the Grange Report who would be willing to contribute to the Wheat Farmers Alliance.

B.Wheat farmers traditionally repay their bank loans in late summer after the winter wheat crop has been harvested and sold.

C.The majority of the readers of the Grange Report with a great enough interest in the Wheat Farmers Alliance to contribute have already responded to the advertisements.

D.Most of those who contribute to the Wheat Farmers Alliance in the course of a year do so in response to advertisements in the Grange Report.

E.The total number of readers of the Grange Report is stable from year to year.



Researchers have discovered a new poison, bromethalin, that is lethal to all rats, even to

those species that have become immune to other poisons, as well as to those rats that eat only the most minute quantities. Tests have demonstrated that rats will not learn to avoid bromethalin and that carcasses of rats killed by bromethalin pose no threat to the well-being of other animals. Which of the following statements, if true, would support the researchers claim that carcasses of rats killed by bromethalin will not pose a threat to other animals?

A.Rats that consume bromethalin die immediately.

B.Animals, prompted by curiosity, often examine carcasses that appear in their territory.

C.Chemicals in the digestive tract of dead rats quickly break bromethalin down into a nontoxic substance.

D.Traces of bromethalin remain in the rat" s mouth and saliva after the rat eats the poison.

E.Certain animals are scavengers and feed habitually on refuse and dead flesh.



Approximately 5,000 people who have been convicted of nonviolent crimes in the state have

been given community-service sentences instead of prison sentences. These offenders perform. services commensurate with their training and skills, from scrubbing floors to conducting research for the state. The community-service program, which began in 1979, has grown immensely as a result of drunken-driver legislation enacted a few months ago. The introduction of the community-service program in 1979 was most probably prompted by which of the following, all of which occurred during the 1970 s?

A.A decrease in the number of violent crimes in the state.

B.An increase in the number of crimes committed by employees of the state.

C.A gradual decrease in the median age of judges in the state.

D.The overcrowding of prisons in the state.

E.The passage of drunken-driver legislation in other states.



A cost-effective solution to the problem of airport congestion is to provide high-speed gr

ound transportation between major cities lying 200 to 500 miles apart. The successful implementation of this plan would cost far less than expanding existing airports and would also reduce the number of airplanes clogging both airports and airways. Which of the following, if true, could proponents of the plan above most appropriately cite as a piece of evidence for the soundness of their plan?

A.An effective high-speed ground-transportation system would require major repairs to many highways and mass-transit improvements.

B.One-half of all departing flights in the nation"s busiest airport head for a destination in a major city 225 miles away.

C.The majority of travelers departing from rural airports are flying to destinations in cities over 600 miles away.

D.Many new airports are being built in areas that are presently served by high-speed ground-transportation systems.

E.A large proportion of air travelers are vacationers who are taking long-distance flights.



Toughened hiring standards have not been the primary cause of the present staffing shortag

e in public schools. The shortage of teachers is primarily caused by the fact that in recent years teachers have not experienced any improvements in working conditions and their salaries have not kept pace with salaries in other professions. Which of the following, if true, would most support the claims above?

A.Many teachers already in the profession would not have been hired under the new hiring standards.

B.Today more teachers are entering the profession with a higher educational level than in the past.

C.Some teachers have cited higher standards for hiring as a reason for the current staffing shortage.

D.Many teachers have cited low pay and lack of professional freedom as reasons for their leaving the profession.

E.Many prospective teachers have cited the new hiring standards as a reason for not entering the profession.



The imposition of quotas limiting imported steel will not help the big American steel mill

s. In fact, the quotas will help "mini-mills" flourish in the United States. Those small domestic mills will take more business from the big American steel mills than would have been taken by the foreign steel mills in the absence of quotas. Which of the following, if true, would cast the most serious doubt on the claim made in the last sentence above?

A.Quality rather than price is a major factor in determining the type of steel to be used for a particular application.

B.Foreign steel mills have long produced grades of steel comparable in quality to the steel produced by the big American mills.

C.American quotas on imported goods have often induced other countries to impose similar quotas on American goods.

D.Domestic "mini-mills" consistently produce better grades of steel than do the big American mills.

E.Domestic "mini-mills" produce low-volume, specialized types of steels that are not produced by the big American steel mills.



The recent decline in the value of the dollar was triggered by a prediction of slower econ

omic growth in the coming year. But that prediction would not have adversely affected the dollar had it not been for the government s huge budget deficit, which must therefore be decreased to prevent future currency declines. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the conclusion about how to prevent future currency declines?

A.The government has made little attempt to reduce the budget deficit.

B.The budget deficit has not caused a slowdown in economic growth.

C.The value of the dollar declined several times in the year prior to the recent prediction of slower economic growth.

D.Before there was a large budget deficit, predictions of slower economic growth frequently caused declines in the dollar s value.

E.When there is a large budget deficit, other events in addition to predictions of slower economic growth sometimes trigger declines in currency value.


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